Mountain, Sun, Ocean, Man
Governing business and relationships | Self development course

A healthy body requires a stable and healthy mind. The mind tends to have no direction and dimension and is a product of past patterns.  An ungoverned mind leads to unhealthy behaviour patterns and mental agitations which negatively effect hormones and physical health. Learn how to develop the intellect and reign in the mind. The result of which is inner peace and improved physical health. 

Link to playlist on Youtube: Click Here

Address Suite D43, Life Fourways Hospital, Corner Cedar Road and Cedar Avenue West, Fourways, Johannesburg, Gauteng
Call 011 875 1940 | Email

This website serves as an information resource for common referrals, contact numbers and teaching material as well as links to interesting reading and a selection of lifestyle workshops that may be of value. We have no personal affiliations to any entities appearing on this website, links are supplied as a service to patients who may find them of interest and benefit.

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