Menopause - Living in Rhythm
Menopause – Living in Rhythm

Everything in nature works in a rhythmical pattern. Annual seasonal cycles are mimicked in daily patterns. There is the spring of the dawn, the summer of the day, the autumn of the early evening and the winter of the night. Similarly the human body undergoes rhythmical cycles throughout life and on a daily basis. Living with these rhythms through conscious awareness helps us achieve better health and fulfilment. 

Menopause is not a disease, but rather a natural change in the season of the body, earmarking a new phase of life of inner growth and wisdom. However, in modern times many experience untoward symptoms and complications that impair social functioning . Navigating the approach to better health and an easier transition can be difficult. 

This podcast summarises some of the basics of this phase of life, treatments available and a broad approach to improving health overall. Always consult your heath care provider before engaging any new treatments or if there is any uncertainty. 

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